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WinDisp General Posting Options

General Posting Options

Data Posting file

The Data Posting file text box displays the currently selected data file. The file name cannot be changed from this menu, so if it needs to be changed, click on OK or Cancel and then click on the Select Posting File under the Edit menu item.

Posting Style

Once the Data Posting Specification menu is displayed, the Posting Style can be changed to any of the other available styles by clicking on the Posting Style drop-down box. Selecting a different style will result in the displayed specification parameters being changed accordingly and some values may need to be changed as a result of the different interpretations for the different styles.

Define Coordinates button

The primary information required for posting data is the location of each data point. The way in which the location is defined using the data read from the file is specified on the Coordinate Definition menu which is displayed by clicking on the Define Coordinates button.

Export Data

Clicking on this button brings up the Specify File to save data dialogue box from which the user can specify the name and location of the file to save the currently defined data. The data is written to the file using comma separated value (csv) format and is suitable for importing into Excel or ArcView.

Data Sample Specification

If there is a data column containing particular information identifying a data point (such as a sample number or location name), this column can be used to label each data point posted by specifying the data column in the Sample variable text box. The position of the sample field relative to the data point is specified using the Label Position drop-down box and the size of text is specified using the Sample Label Size. In addition to the text field a simple marker can be plotted at each data point by specifying a non-zero Size of Marker and selecting a marker index between 0 and 17 (inclusive). The marker index can be changed using the spin buttons on the right of the Sample Marker Number text box, or by clicking on the text box itself to bring up the Marker Selection Menu.

The Posting Angle specifies the rotation to be applied for displaying the posted data. This rotation angle is applied to the posting as a whole and is interpreted in a positive clockwise sense.



Send mail to john.paine@onaustralia.com.au with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 10, 2012