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3DViewer is a free utility for displaying binary models created in the 3DModeller. The viewer is fully functional and allows the user to view and interact with the model.

Data Types Supported

  1. Binary model files created with the WinDIsp 3DModeller add-on

Data Display Options

  1. Zoom/Pan/Rotate and Animate
  2. Clipping planes
  3. Individual items in display list can be toggled on and off
  4. Items can be displayed using fill/line or point modes
  5. Items can be made translucent
  6. Items may be deleted from the display list
  7. New models may be appended to existing models
  8. Display can be switched between white or black background

Data Output Option

  1. Current display can be exported to a BMP file or to the clipboard
  2. The current 3D model can be exported to VRML model file
  3. The current viewpoint can be saved and reloaded

Key Benefits