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WinDisp File Menu

File, New

Selecting this menu item causes all display definitions to be reinititialised to their default state. If the current display specifications have not already been saved, you will be prompted to save the current settings before the reinitialisation.

File, Read Layout

Selecting this menu item causes all display definitions to be reinititialised to their default state and specifications read from another specification file. If the current display specifications have not already been saved, you will be prompted to save the current settings before the reinitialisation. 

File, Save Layout

On selecting this menu item the current layout specifications will be written to the current layout specifications file.

File, Save Layout As

On selecting this menu item the user is prompted to specify a file name and location to save the current display specifications. The current layout specifications will be written to the specified file and the caption on the WinDisp main window is updated with the specification file name and current layout dimensions.

Create File Archive

Clicking on this menu item brings up the Create File Package form:

The text box labelled Archive File allows you to specify the name of the archive to create. The archive will contain all files used in the current layout along with the layout definition file. The archive will be created in the same directory that the layout definition file is located. If a different location is required, click on the small button at the right of the Archive File text box and select the preferred location.

When creating the File Package, the files will be stored in the zip without any path information. If the directory structure is required, turn on the Include Directory Structure check box and the file path information will be stored in the archive.

Read Component

When running WinDisp it is sometimes useful to import individual layout components from other specification files without bringing in the entire layout eg brining in a standard posting layout without changing the current area and projection information. This can be achieved using the options under the Read Component menu item. Clicking on this menu item brings up the Read Component Form:

When one or more of these items is selected and the Read button is clicked, the user is prompted for the file name containing the required component ( either a specific component file or a full csf file may be used), and the selected component(s) will then be read from the specified file.

Save Component

Individual layout components may be written to separate files using the Save Component menu item. When this menu item is clicked, the user is presented with the Save Component Form:


The user may then select one or more of the layout components. When the Save button is clicked, the user is prompted to supply the name of a file to store the selected component(s) and the information is then written to the file specified.


Selecting this menu item causes WinDisp to terminate. If the current display specifications have not already been saved, you will first be prompted to save the current settings before the program ends or alternatively cancel the exit operation and return to normal operation.



Send mail to john.paine@onaustralia.com.au with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: April 10, 2012